Hey everyone! It was a bit of a shift in the week with our Tuesday PD Day, but we still managed to get lots done!
The past two Fridays our class has taken time to visit our grade peers and work on some coding! On Fridays, we have our own tech block, where students have been exploring hour of code activities - this is where they use block coding to work through creating, playing and developing games on the computer.
Last Friday, we visited 4B and worked on building Flappy Bird levels! Students worked through 10 lessons on how to add graphic changes, characters and points systems to create their own custom levels. Below is a video of a student who created his own level and gets to test it out!
In Language Arts this week we started a new novel as a class, Seven Dead Pirates. This is a read aloud book, and after reading we are completing reading response activities about the book. First, we created movie posters to introduce the main characters, setting, discuss possible plot predictions and to write down any questions we may have.

Our second activity was to choose a section from the book to draw and describe. This is where we really tap into our visualization and describe why we think this scene was important to the plot of the story thus far.
In spelling, our focus was on long a patterns (ay, ai, eigh). We played a few quick review games on the different sounds vowels make (long vs. short). In grammar, we are focusing on verbs! To demonstrate this, we started our lesson with a game of charades! Verbs are most often action words that are found in the predicate of the sentence. They often describe what the subject is doing.

In Math this week we are started in on Multiplication and demonstrating this process by drawing arrays and repeated addition. For arrays, we discussed that
rows are horizontal (imagine
rowing a boat and how your arms move) and
columns are vertical (like the columns that hold up a building). When we look at a multiplication sentence, our
rows are represented by the first number, number of
columns is represented by the second. Using two coloured die, students worked in pairs to create multiplication problems, draw their corresponding arrays, and write out the fact family.

In Science, we have discussed the different ways we can sort human waste. Humans create waste by using products that are manufactured. We came up with definitions for Manufacture and Consume, using class discussions to talk about what types of products are manufactured, how we consume them and what do we do with the waste?

Then we brainstormed products that are disposable (one time use), Durable (
intended to last forever), Non-Durable (
intended to last more than once/twice but not forever).
Next week, we will take a look at how products are packaged and how it benefits the consumer vs. the environment.
Wednesday we had our Winter Walk! (Thank goodness it was Wednesday and not Thursday)
We bundled up nice and warm and enjoyed the winter outdoors. The sun actually came out of hiding and seemed to shine on us!
- Next week is Teacher's Convention - There is no school Thursday or Friday.
Lots of Permission forms on Powerschool!!!! Please fill these out ASAP
- Pancake Breakfast and Walk to Riverview Middle School will be next Wednesday morning.
- Rabbit Hill is on Monday February 13th, and Skating will also be the Tues, Wed, Thurs that week.
- Waste Management Field Trip is on Feb 28th! This is a half day field trip where students learn about how waste is processed in our local communities.