The past two week have been short, but packed full!

In Daily 5 we are really grooving into our rotations! Students have been doing a great job at working the
whole time and picking and sticking to one spot in the classroom.
Over the past week we have introduced Word Work into our rotations. Word Work is an opportunity for student to experiment with popcorn and spelling words using hands on manipulatives or activities. The students really took on this new responsibility and worked extremely hard at building their stamina!
Word Work - Rainbow Writing! |
As a topic focus for the week we have been talking about Kindness and what it means to us. As a class we are trying to practice being more kind to one another, as well as, how we can help others and be kind in our world. Each student wrote about what in their lives makes their heart feel warm and full.

We read, "How Full is Your Bucket?" which discusses how each person has their own invisible bucket and when we are unkind to others, that dips in their bucket and takes out of ours as well. A full bucket helps us feel happy and we can fill others buckets by acts of kindness. To practice we drew names and thought of compliments for that person, wrote them down anonymously and I read them aloud to the class.

In Math, we have been counting all the way to 50 and talking about how to group numbers to help us count fast. This, in turn, helps us gain a stronger understanding of skip counting.
Students have been working in pairs and on their own to try different ways of grouping sets to 50. To practice counting by twos we brainstormed things that come in pairs and drew pictures of objects to match a given number.
In Science we have spent some time exploring our sense of sight! We walked around the school using our "binoculars" and each group was assigned to look only at things up high, straight ahead or downwards. Then we discussed what you could see from each view point and where more things were placed to get our attention or for safety reasons (fire alarms up high and visible to everyone in an emergency; signs and posters are at eye level to get out attention). We are also currently working on our very own google slides presentation about eye safety!!!

As a class we brainstormed what tools we use to enhance our eyesight, like binoculars, glasses and magnifying glasses. Afterwards, we used tools to enhance our eyesight to find our popcorn words in pictures!
Over the past two weeks we have had Mission Impossible in the gym! This is an obstacle course set up for the kids all week and they loved it! It was pretty funny to watch them all concentrate so hard!