In Language Arts this week we have continued talking about Long Vowels and their patterns. We have all been learning about the Bossy e! Bossy e is when we add the silent e to the end of a word to make the middle vowel say its name, such as, lake, bike or cute.
For Writing work, we used some of the bossy e words we made during our activities to make up our own sentences. When we write our sentences we make sure we have capitals at the beginning, finger spaces between our words and end them with a period!
With Daily 5 everyday these guys amaze me with how great of readers they are becoming. We are now up to 10 minutes of Read to Self and get to choose any spot in the room to read! They absolutely love this!
In Math, we spent some time practicing our subtraction strategies with games and other work. We have talked a lot about how subtraction is the opposite of addition and we can use what we know about addition problems to solve subtraction problems!
We practiced our skills by playing Horse Races again!
We had a great last day before the holidays! We were all so comfy in our pajamas and got to do some crafts!

Over the break your child can keep their reading fresh with any of the links under Reading and Phonics links at the side of this page.
Encourage your child to play math games and practice their math facts with war (cards or dice) and any of the math links at the side of the page. If you need log in info, please let me know!
We had a great last day before the holidays! We were all so comfy in our pajamas and got to do some crafts!
Information for the New Year:
- School resumes on Monday January 4th.
- Our Spelling Program will begin our first week back at school, our first test will be Jan 8th.
- Popcorn words will resume the second week of school.
- Early Dismissal Jan 6th.
- Report Cards sent home January 28th.
- PD Day January 29th.
Over the break your child can keep their reading fresh with any of the links under Reading and Phonics links at the side of this page.
Encourage your child to play math games and practice their math facts with war (cards or dice) and any of the math links at the side of the page. If you need log in info, please let me know!
Have a Happy Holidays!