Popcorn words looked great this week! Lots of students were done before Friday! Way to go Grade 1's! A fun thing to do may be to watch out for your popcorn words on signs or in books you might read!
For Red Day we read our read poems and did our red words! As an art project we read Ten Apples Up on Top and did craftivity to go with it! Each student had an image of their face and chose how many apples they had on top! After they counted they wrote their number in their sentence. They're so adorable!

In Math we have become experts on counting to 10 and above! We're all working on being super stars counting to 20. This week we made our own 20 charts that we will use for math all year! Everyone had to cut their pieces and order them to 20 themselves! A lot of the kids did great!

In Science this week we continued talking about colours and their different shades. In a couple experiments we compared colours by lightness, darkness, or what colour they are more like (i.e. which flower is more blue?).
We did a fun experiment on Monday with water bottles and food colouring to see what happens when we add more colour? Does it get lighter or darker? Everyone was an awesome scientist and remembered that SAFETY is #1!
Later in the week we compared paint samples and sorted them by their lightness and darkness. I think every student aced this activity!
Thank you for those of you who made play dough! We will be mixing it up next week! If you have not sent in an oversized (and old) shirt for your child please do! I will be bringing some extras from home as well.